Wizkids' Website had a great message from friend of the game (and Wizkids honcho) Justin Ziran, just in time for the holiday.
Introductions, Updates and a Turkey
He covers the basics of what is going down at the new Wizkids HQ in Hillside, some insights into other product lines return, and potential new lines that may come from the union of NECA an Wizkids.
At the end of the article (really, go read it it full of good stuff) there is a fun little peice for folks to use at home: The Turkey!

This bird is a potent 5 poultry for just points. He possesses the Special Power Food Coma.
Food Coma (tryptophan) Turkey can use Incapacitate as a close combat attack targeting all adjacent characters. After that action resolves, deal one damage to Turkey for each character targeted this way.
That a good trick for just 5 points. Finding ways to maximize the effect the bird has on the battlefield could include adding something keep him from taking damage (like the Life Model decoy Feat) or controlling the battle field so he can spring his Incap attack on as many vulnerable foes as possible.
Wizkids used another popular information outlet, their Facebook Fan page (you're a fan of Wizkids, right?), the Turducken Special Object.
The Turducken (proof that Paula dean is in league with Dr. Doom) is an Immobile Object that can't be destroyed by an attack. But a character with no Action Tokens who is adjacent to the Turducken can be given a Power Action to remove it from the game. That's a power tool when fielding a Stealth reliant team (or to help counter the stealth of your opponent) bu having a piece of hindering terrain that can't be taken out of the game without sacrificing the action of a completely action token free character.
Check with your local Venues to see it they have ant events where these pieces can be fielded.
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