Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wizkids made their Gallery easier to share

Wizkids WANTS us to talk about HeroClix.  They want us to talk about the game so much they have opened up their Figure Gallery to everyone who wants to incorporate the images into their website.
So, because of this I can do swanky things like show off all of the Prize Kit Special Objects.
(gallery bb-object-001)
(gallery bb-object-002)
(gallery bb-object-003)
(gallery bb-object-004)
(gallery bb-object-005)
(gallery bb-object-006)
(gallery bb-object-007)
(gallery bb-object-008)

Events are updated on the Calender

All known events are listed as of today.  Fantasy Games and The Griffon will updated as soon as they are made public.

This is a great time to be a Clix fan in our area.

Also check out this weekend for Free Comic Book Day 2010!  Get there early to snag a FCBD Warmachine!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Brave and the Bold gallery is live!

The Gallery for DC HeroClix: Brave and teh Bold is live at Wizkids' site.

Go peruse the figures, see the stats and powers (and if you need to print a replacement card).

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Brave & the Bold - the release

We are hours away from the release of the 1st DC set of thw NECA/Wizkids era!

Share your Release experience with us.

Buy local? Share what you got and where.

Play in a release event? Share your victory stories (or near victory) with us!

Monday, April 5, 2010

SPOILERS for Brave and the Bold

Rather than post a list and pics I will simply refer those who are interested to the Spoiler information.  HCRealms User Algrim, has (as he has in the past) acquired product early.  He;s provided a list of figures and is slowly posting some very high quality pictures of the figures.

For this interested:

The list of figures

The pictures of the figures

He confirms what we have seen with the Inertia preview (aw well as Good Friday's Robin/Damian Wayne preview) that we will see multiple takes on the same character/sculpt utilizing repaints and slight modifications to represent different versions, like with the the previously standard REV format.

So with 9 days to go, momentum is high and a lot of folks are excited to see this set.  But for you Marvel-philes out there Web of Spider-man is due this fall.  Like Watchmen and the Blackest Night starter this is a 100% NECA/Wizkids designed set.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Absurdly large pictures of a tiny plastic Black Lantern

Here's a collection pictures of the neat little Black Lantern Special object that arrived at

Mega-Mega Format. It's a Game Changer.

Today we got a treat from the guys at Wizkids, a look into a whole new format for playing clix.  Expect it to catch on quick.

Mega-Mega-Crossover Format
Thanks to the positive response we’ve received about our Alter Egos and “including more figures from your collection” in your games, we’re proud to unveil the new format that all HeroClix games will be required to use from now on (both casually and in tournaments). A picture is worth a thousand words, so here’s an illustration of one player all set up to play.
That’s right, in every game you’ll get to use so much more of your collection.  And if you don’t have a big enough collection to fill up your half of the map, you are legally obligated to go buy some more HeroClix as soon as possible!
Can you imagine?  Superman with 7 Batmans with 19 Wonder Womans with a World’s Finest with 161 Street Thugs vs. 192 Checkmate guys?  The possibilities for team-building are truly endless!
So far our office champion in this new format is the person who’s made his opponent concede the fastest, since no game has actually finished.  But that just means that you have to play more HeroClix, and that’s win-win for everybody!
Mega-Mega Crossover Rules:
Maps: All HeroClix games must be played on new or revised maps. New and revised maps have the purple starting area extended to encompass one full half of the map for each player. Other terrain types which fall within the purple boundary also retain their existing terrain type, for example Hindering Terrain inside the purple boundary is still Hindering Terrain.
Figure Setup: A player is required to fill every non-Blocking Terrain space inside their starting area with Clix figures. Peanut and 2×2 base figures fill 2 and 4 spaces, respectively. You may not place a peanut or 2×2 base so that part of the figure in on elevated terrain and part is not. Come on, you’ve played Tetris, you can do this.
Legal Figures: Mega-Mega Crossover replaces any previous Modern or Golden Age rules.  Players may only uses figures with the Colossal damage symbol if both players agree beforehand (WizKids will always agree to allow Colossals – we have infinite Fing Fang Fooms – so please don’t ask us over and over again when you play us).
Point Totals: When you’re playing with this many figs, who cares about point totals?
Feats, Objects, Battlefield Conditions and Event Dials: Please. Who are we kidding here?
Theme Teams: If you can field a Theme Team and meet all the other rules, go to town.
First Turn Immunity: If you don’t hit someone on your first turn, you’re doing something wrong.
Win Condition: Have the last figure in play, or be the last person to walk away in frustration.
All thanks to Wizkids: here

Get the Humongous Map here.

Now this is the way you play the game!  Now what else is going on today...?

Black Lantern Special Object for Midnight releases!

Kelly from just sen this over a short time ago.  (She assures me she will have a better pic in a bit).  These are for retailers to use with release night parties.  

more details as they come.

Update: text

Light Object, Continual.

During your turn, whenever an opposing character within 4 squares of this object is KO'd you may heal 1 damage on a single friendly character within 4 squares of this object1!

Point Value: 0

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