Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How lucky are we still!?!

Back with the inaugural issue of the MichianaClix newsletter back in 2008, we started profiling all the great local venues that hosted HeroClix and Wizkids Events in our area. Today we continue that by welcoming [back] the newest local HeroClix venue, Bower St. Cards and Games in Elkhart.

Bower St. opened in 1993 with an emphasis on Magic and other CCGs. They have in store gaming areas with room for about 20 players. During the first integration of Wizkids’ Organized Play for HeroClix, Bower Street was a venue for both HeroClix and MechWarrior for a time.

Recently, they’ve started supporting HeroClix as an Organized Play venue again!  This is great for out Elkhart based MichianaClixers. Bower St. is just west of downtown Elkhart, north of the river.

Currently, they are just testing the waters with Infinity Gauntlet events, but if they get a good response, they’ll open up to more OP. They’re open Friday from 5:30 to 10 pm and Saturdays from 11 am to 4 pm, with events on at least one Saturday a month.

Bower St. Cards and Games
717 Bower St.
Elkhart IN

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