Sunday, January 25, 2009 Closed 1/25 will be closed on Sunday,January 24th, due to family illness.  The clix events for today will be post-poned until 2/1/08.  The same event with the same rules and prizes will be run that day.

Sorry for the short notice. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

UberGeekGear's HeroClix "Last Hurrah" (held at BuyMeToys) on 1/17/09 at 1:30pm

UberGeekGear's HeroClix "Last Hurrah" (held at BuyMeToys) on 1/17/09 at 1:30pm 

Sign up here: 

For those who don't already know, 
Keith was unfortunately forced to close the UGG doors recently. He was kind enough make arrangements to get the January HC prize support to me so I could run one last event on his behalf, and make those LEs available to his deserving former players/customers. 

Casey and Kelly at Buy Me Toys have been kind enough to let us use their store space for one last tournament. For those unfamiliar, they're across from U. P. Mall at 
6327A University Commons 
South Bend, IN 46635 

This will be a no holds barred, 600pt Unrestricted event (with some additional rules thrown in for fun). Everyone who plays will get a prize (from among January Arkham Asylum prize support provided by Keith at UberGeekGear as well as other LEs provided by the Judge Nick). 

As it says above, this is no holds barred Unrestricted. That means colossals, themed teams (including non-keyword themes with Judge approval), promo figures(barring the original sets' Spidey and Bats promos that have incorrect, prototype dials), bystanders, feats, battlefield conditions, special objects, and whatever else you want to throw in is fine. All normal HeroClix rules will be followed, with the additional special round rules below for added entertainment. I suggest that you construct your force with fun in mind more than victory, as everyone's guaranteed a decent LE prize (and the rules below might mess with anyone's efforts to 'win'). 

Round One: Ultimate Fun! 
Back by popular demand, it's Ultimate HeroClix for the first round. Y'know, the thing where you write down every power on the dial (if the fig doesn't have a character card) and play as if all of the character's powers were available on every click of its dial. If you haven't played this way before, check this thread for further details:

Second Verse: Dials in Reverse! 
After leaving Ultimate HC behind, we go on to what some call the "Bizarro" match. In Round Two, we click dials in the opposite direction we normally would... That means that the last click before the normal KO slot is now the character's starting click (any healing turns the dial clockwise toward that click), and the click past the character's normal starting green line is now its KO slot (damage clicks the dial counterclockwise). If a character's good clicking in the 'forward' direction, is it also just as good 'backwards'? Let's find out. 

Round Three: Trade Teams with Me! 
If you think backwards clicking is a trip, you ain't seen nothing yet... now try to defeat your own team! For the final round, opponents will be forced to switch teams with each other. Knowing your strengths and honing strategy with a team you've constructed is one thing; trying to quickly learn someone else's force to exploit your own team's weaknesses is quite another. Good luck! 

Prizes: Unlike most events, the first person who will get to choose from the available prizes will be our Fellowship winner (as chosen by the Judge). After that, the Fellowship winner will choose the prize-picking order: either going from 1st place on down, or from last place on up. I'll make sure to bring plenty of stuff to choose from (including UGG's January Arkham stuff). 

I'm hoping to see you UberGeeks there! 
{If you plan on attending, please do sign up for the event on the WK site to give me an idea of how many are attending, or at least email me, Nick Hartley, at Any efforts in getting the word out to other UGG/local players is also very much appreciated. See you soon!}

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Uber Geek Gear closes doors

I was notified earlier today that Uber Geek Gear has closed its doors as of January 1.  This is very sad news.  I was rarely able to get out and play on their Saturday games, but when I did I always had a good time.

I wish Keith and his crew the best of luck with their future endeavours.

While it is distressing to lose a venue from our area, remember that there are still three active in our area.

Their Judge Nick has sent out the following message.
In case you haven't heard, UberGeekGear was forced to close its doors recently. Keith, being the stand up guy he is, will be getting the HeroClix January prize support to me so his (now former) players can still get a shot at grabbing those LEs.

To try to determine our best course of action (without the benefit of our own venue to use), if you would, please respond to me with what you think would work best for you.

Options include: we could go ahead and show up outside the UGG doors at normal tourney time on 1-3-09, then take the group wherever we think would work to run one last 'hurrah' in which I give away all of January's prizes; we could try to arrange a different time and place where the most players could show up at a later date to do the same; I could pass the prize support on to BuyMeToys and they could give it away in their normally scheduled HC events as 2nd Place and 2nd Fellowship prizes; we could even skip the whole tourney thing and just do a get-together to perhaps toast the good times at UGG and give the stuff away randomly; or whatever suggestion you think is best.

Email me at , or jump on my board and sound off in this thread:

Also, if you can get the word around to other players that might not have heard, so perhaps they too can have their voices heard on this issue, it's much appreciated.

Sorry for the short notice(I was shocked as well). Hoping to hear from you soon,
Nick Hartley

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